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Parent/Student Handbook

These written guidelines will help everyone understand expectations, prepare us for certain situations in advance, ensure our safety, and help us manage the use of the facilities that the Lord has provided for us. The Leadership Team reserves the right to change policies and procedures without notice.

All families should read the guidelines thoroughly before joining Pamlico Christian Homeschool Group. Upon understanding how we function and what your responsibilities will be, only then can you determine if the group is a good fit for your family.

Pamlico Christian Homeschool Group (PCHG) provides elective classes and field trips for K-12 grade. Our desire is to provide parents with additional options in their homeschooling journey. Our purpose is to enrich your homeschooling experience by learning and fellowshipping with other homeschooling families.

Our websites available for members are www.pamlicohomeschoolgroup.org and https://www.facebook.com/groups/297023047152127/ .


There will be a short announcement at 1 PM on each class day. After announcements, the K-6 grades will split into their group classes for approximately an hour. During that time, the teen group has free time. At 2 PM, the teen group will have class time and the K-6 grades have free time. Free time may be used to play games, use the playground, or just socialize. Parents are encouraged to help in their children’s class or even teach a class of your choosing. Parents and students are encouraged to assist with room cleaning. In this way, we will leave Broad Creek Church looking the way it did when we arrived.

Our group will meet every Friday from 1 PM to 3 PM about September through May. Field trips will be on the third Friday. 
 A few summer events may be planned. Please check our website for dates. Broad Creek Church in New Bern graciously host our homeschool group. Their website can be found at https://www.bccchurch.com/. The address is 45 Olympia Rd, New Bern, NC 28560.

A. Registration Fee
There are costs associated with running a co-op. PCHG leadership appreciates the financial sacrifices homeschooling families often make to be at home with their children. We will therefore strive to keep the fees affordable for everyone. As of 2024-2025, PCHG requires an annual membership fee of $40 per family. This is applied to help maintain our website and purchase supplies like markers, pencils, glue, party items etc. In addition, some classes may have a small additional fee for participation. The balance of your registration fee will need to be paid in full at registration.

B. Other Fees/Costs

Special events and field trips may require an additional fee that is not included in the annual membership.

A staffed Nursery will be offered for babies and toddlers ages 4 and under. Older children will not be allowed into the nursery, unless their own parent is working in the nursery at that time. Diaper changes and potty training will remain the parent's responsibility. Babies and toddlers may remain with a parent in the classes if it does not disturb the class.

Students will not be allowed at PCHG events without a parent on-site at all times (or a designated substitute in case of an emergency or illness). In case of an emergency (not scheduling conflicts or “errands”) where you must leave the church grounds, ask another parent to be directly responsible for your children. Tell your children and the leadership team to whom your children are accountable.


If there is a question about whether we will be meeting on any given day due to the weather, we will be following the Craven County Public School schedule of closing. If they are closed, we will close.


In the event you will be absent, please contact the volunteer coordinator so we can place a sub in your place. If it is an emergency, and you don’t know, in advance, that you will be absent, please call or text. The greater the notice that you provide will allow us to adequately fill your spot.


We cannot stress this enough: If you or your children are sick or recovering from an illness, even the common cold or sinus infection, please do not attend co-op that week. We do not want co-op to be a source of sickness for any family, so please use good judgment.

We follow the health services guidelines recommended by the American Public Health Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics. If you or your children have any the following, please do not go to co-op:

  • Fever of 99 degrees or greater within 24 hours prior to co-op
  • Fever that needs medication to control (such as Tylenol, Advil or Motrin)
  • Vomiting or nausea within 48 hours prior to co-op
  • Diarrhea within 24 hours prior to co-op
  • Nasal congestion, or yellow or green nasal discharge, or excessive clear nasal discharge that is heavy enough to require frequent wiping
  • Common cold with sore throat or persistent coughing or sneezing
  • Streptococcal infection, until 48 hours after medication has been initiated
  • Antibiotics for less than 48 hours
  • Infected skin or eyes or undiagnosed rash (e.g. conjunctivitis, poison ivy, etc.), until the prescribed drops, cream or treatment are complete or incubation period recommended by doctor has passed
  • Acting lethargic, listless, or irritable
  • Any complaint of unexplained or undiagnosed pain (not including teething)
  • Other contagious symptoms, including but not limited to lice, ringworm, etc.

If your child has a clear runny nose, then use your best judgment as to whether it’s sickness or allergy or teething; most likely if it’s after sickness, it’s still contagious. If you decide to bring your child with clear runny nose due to allergies or teething, please be diligent about wiping your child’s nose often and washing your hands immediately afterwards.

If you or your children have any of the symptoms listed above, you will be asked to return home. Please do not put us in the awkward position of having to ask you to go home or to take a sick child home.

Notify teachers if your child has any medical conditions or allergies, especially in any class that may serve food.


All co-op participants, children and adults, must be dressed modestly and appropriately while attending the co-op. If you are unsure if something is appropriate, it is probably wise to choose another item of clothing.

  • Abdomens and backs must be covered.
  • Tight-fitting clothing should be avoided.
  • Shorts and skirts must be at least fingertip length when hands are at the sides.
  • Clothing must not have inappropriate slogans or illustrations.
  • Girls who wish to wear dresses should wear shorts under their dresses if engaged in physical activities.
  • Clean, dry shoes must be worn to protect the church’s flooring.


As Christians, our goal is to obey Scripture and, whether in word or deed, to do all to the glory of God. Since the ultimate end of all Bible-centered education is to grow in wisdom and virtue, we require all our students to exhibit the following minimal personal virtues at any and all PCHG events and activities.

  1. Kindness
  2. Truthfulness
  3. Courtesy toward others and respect for their property rights
  4. Punctuality in attendance and work
  5. Respect for the obedience to those in authority
  6. Diligence in effort and attention

In addition, the above personal virtues, we also expect there to be:

  1. No excessive horseplay
  2. No bad language
  3. No hurting others
  4. No defacing property
  5. No inappropriate contact
  6. No public displays of affection
  7. No loitering in the bathrooms
  8. No children, including teens, should be outside except when directly under the supervision of an adult.
  9. No smoking, drinking alcohol, and/or illegal drugs allowed.
  10. No weapons unless specifically required for a class.


Please help us deal with inevitable personality conflicts and misunderstandings in a proactive, Christian way. Parents are responsible for their children’s actions and behavior. If a conflict arises, parents should try to resolve the issue on their own. If a resolution cannot be met, the parties then need to seek the assistance of the Leadership Team.

These guidelines are for handling any disruptive behavior in class:

1st Offense - Speak to the student, asking him or her to please stop the behavior and giving him or her a warning that if he or she does not stop the behavior, he or she will have to sit with an adult in the classroom or be separated from the other students.
2nd Offense - Remind the student to stop the behavior. Either move the student next to an adult or separate him from the other students.
3rd Offense - Remove the student from class and escort them to one of the Leadership Team Members. They will notify the parent during the next transition.

If a student’s behavior is excessively rude or aggressive, steps 1 and 2 should be skipped and step 3 should be taken immediately. If a student continues to be a disruption during the semester, they will be asked not to return. There are no refunds given in this circumstance.


Broad Creek Church nor the Pamlico Christian Homeschool Group, its participants and administrators assume no liability and make no assumptions of risk for anyone attending any group functions. Parents are directly responsible for their children’s actions. Compensation for injury or damages, deliberate or accidental, shall be borne entirely by the responsible family.